CPP Disability Medical Examination


CPP Disability Medical Examination

A comprehensive medical examination for CPP appeals.  Our reports provide a detailed summary of your client’s disability, addressing the physical and psychological conditions.

Medical findings are documented in a thorough report outlining the doctor’s opinion on causation, diagnosis and prognosis for recovery and return to work. The report summarizes the treatments to date; provides recommendations for future treatment or rehabilitation; and denotes the impact on current and future occupational, social, and personal life.

Who may request an CPP Disability Medical Examination?

  • Lawyers

  • Insurance companies

  • Union representatives

  • WorkSafe BC

Who conducts this service?
A trained TriMedical physician who has not been involved in the claimant’s care.

Hours involved?
A CPP review may take approximately two hours to complete.  

Who pays for the service?
The requesting agency usually covers the cost of the assessment. 

TriMedical healthcare practitioners will provide a medical assessment report for your ICBC injury claim.

Independent medical examinations are used to determine the cause and extent of an individual's injuries. Findings are summarized in a thorough medical report.

Book appointments at info@trimedical.ca